Sunday, July 5, 2009

These are some of the fun things we've been doing this summer:

I took my three youngest to the aerospace museum with Kira, my two Kristen friends, and their kids. We got there about one and Kira and I had an exercise class we wanted to go to at 5:30 that was in the same area, so on the way there we were trying to come up with how we could kill time in between the museum and the gym. We needn't have worried. We ended up having to drag the kids out of the museum. They had a blast! They loved looking at all the huge airplanes, and there is an awesome room with toys, space suits, games, cockpits they can climb into and pretend to fly. They also got to build and shoot off a rocket. It is an awesome place to take your kids and we will definitely be going back soon.

A couple of weeks ago we went to the dinosaur park. There are no photos of that but we bought season passes, which enables us to go to Hogle Zoo once a month for free. We went there with Kira and her kids last Thursday. Remember, the day of that torrential rain storm? It was bright and sunny when we arrived. It started raining about an hour after we got there. We figured we'd wait it out, but pretty soon it started pouring buckets. I don't know if you can tell how wet we are from the photo, but we were all soaked. We ran to the giraffe house for cover, and then when the rain let up a little bit we decided to call it a day and hurried to the van.

Our holiday weekend was the best. I love the 4th of July. We have several much-loved traditions. We started out by going to the parade in the morning. Jace was, of course, very frightened, but the other kids enjoyed it. We then went to Kira's house for a bbq and some water fun. They have a big inflatable water slide that the kids love, as well as two pools. The weather turned out to be perfect and the kids played in the water for hours. In the evening we got ready to go to the fireworks show. Of course, Kira and I have to squeeze in a workout somewhere, since the gym closes for the 4th, so we jogged from her house to the high school and met our families there for the fireworks. Jace was, of course, scared of the whole display. He had a death grip on my neck the whole time.

The downside to the holiday was that Cami and Dallin were supposed to arrive that morning, but their flight got cancelled. We missed them, but we're excited to see them tomorrow and start bringing Dallin along for all our fun!


Deatry Fam said...

Milly!!!! oh my heck, I am so glad you commented on my blog so now I can blogstock you!! Thanks for all of your great advise, I really need all the advise I can get. Oh, and thank you so much for coming to my shower, it was so good to see you!!

The Steffensen's said...

The picture of you and Denny is the cutest. I'm so glad we can be such amazing mom's to do such fun things with our children. I almost thought you were going to decline letting the kids spend the night tonight, so that you could celebrate Cami and Dallin's arrival from sunrise til sunset tomorrow. Phew!

PS. You should feel very honored that Ash comments on your blog. I don't think she's ever commented on mine.