Thursday, June 11, 2009

Speaking of awesome siblings:  Kira and I are always lamenting about our shortcomings, wishing we were better at this or that.  But the thing I've been realizing a lot lately is that I'd be perfectly content if I was just like her.  I'll share just one most recent example, but there are thousands.  I'm sure you've all heard about how I broke my son's arm and that Kira dropped everything and hurried over so I could go to the hospital.  Here's what happened at home while we were gone.  Kira and the kids all made cute get-well cards for Lance, as well as a cute little banner that was hanging on the door when we got home.  Then later that night the kids started telling me all about this great family home evening lesson she had given them.  What?!  We were gone for about two hours.  It takes me at least an hour to think of an idea, another hour to process it, and days later I might follow through with it.  Even a couple of days later Brody and Jace were excitedly telling me about throwing rocks in the water, and later Jace came and told me there was a ghost (holy ghost) in our house.  See, if she called me to come watch her kids (which I've never done at her house, I always make her bring them to me), I would basically be there to make sure they're kept safe. But she utilizes that short two hours and does all these wonderful things with them.  Why can't I be that kind of person when the example is right there in front of me?


Poulsen Family said...

Yeah- You started a blog! I love that I'll be able to keep tabs on your cute family.

The McKinnons said...

Kira is pretty great, and I have to agree with you, I would just be around to make sure all the kidos were getting along and not getting into trouble. Not that it would make a difference because even when I am around my kids play in peanut butter, so that proves I am probably not the best choice in the first place. But Kelly you don't give yourself enough credit. You have 6 boys, and that takes a lot to take care of all 6 of them, I can't even do 2, so pat yourself on the back and go get yourself a jamba juice for being a mom to 6 great kids.

The Steffensen's said...

You forgot to add she's sexy.

Jenny said...

Hey! Nice blog, I found it through Kira's (not blog stalking or anything...:D)! Lets just say BOTH of you are AWESOME!!!