Thursday, August 6, 2009

Five down, one to go! Jace is potty trained! It was very sudden. On Sunday we were at Detmer's house, who is a full year younger than the twins, and Detmer was wearing underwear. Not to be outdone by a "baby," Jace came home and was potty trained by bedtime! I've been working hard on Brody all week, but to no avail. I'll keep working on it. I checked the diaper supply today, and I have enough for approximately two weeks, so keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to buy another pack! Way to go, Jace!

So Lance got his cast taken off a couple of weeks ago. Don't think that means that I've been able to put my negligence behind me. Just tonight Zack was like, "Mom, remember when you bounced Lance and broke his arm?" Well, Lance forgives me, and that's all that matters. Here are a couple of pictures. Just in case it's noticeable, the reason I am covered in sweat is because I stopped there on my way home from the gym. I hadn't been planning on going. Jeremy was working from home and took him, but on my way home I realized I was going to pass the clinic right as they were getting there, so I swung in and met them at the door so I could give Lance a hug. He was so nervous and emotional, though, so I just stayed with them, even though I looked really gross (I'm sure everyone knows I always have to look my best out in public. ha ha). His facial expressions in these photos make me want to cry, but he did so awesome! He was very brave!


gayla said...

Potty training is the worst! That's seriously one of the reasons (among many) that I didn't have more kids. LOL Congrats to Jace!

The Steffensen's said...

What a sweet mom to swallow your pride and go out in public dressed that way just for Lance.

I mean, if you find yourself in need of diapers I have a bunch of extra fours lying around:)