Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The kids and I just spent an awesome few days in Wyoming at Kira's in-law's cabin. Kira and I were there with ten kids between us. It kept us quite busy, but I think everybody had a great time. I was quite surprised at how much fun I had, since I really loathe anything resembling camping. But it's like Kira always says when she goes to the cabin, "I had fun because my kids had fun."

The favorite activity was going down to the river. The first night there we walked down intending to just throw rocks and maybe stick our feet in. We told the kids where to stand and to not get any closer to the river. Of course they all just kept inching closer and closer, and before we knew it they were all totally in the water and their clothes were soaked. I was pretty uptight for a while but Kira quickly taught me that you have to muster up lots of extra patience in that kind of setting. The next day after breakfast we got smart and got them all into their swimming suits before heading back down to the river.

The bigger boys had tons of fun playing card games with Kira. There was lots of screaming and laughter. I'm definitely going to have to learn myself a few games. Trevor's been begging for me to play some with him since we got home.

It was a lot of fun going hiking and exploring. There were a lot of interesting and fun sights. I was so amazed at how well the little kids did. They never got tired or slowed down. Everybody's legs are full of scratches and bug bites. Totally worth it, though.

(warning: yes, a couple of the kids are in their underwear in this first photo because their shorts were drying on the deck.)

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