Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy early birthday, sweet Zacky! He actually won't turn five until December 23rd, but we always celebrate his birthday a couple weeks early so we can be more focused on him. Great-grandma gave him some money and a soft, snuggly Ziggy blanket that he couldn't wait to sleep with tonight. Grandpa Greg didn't get him a present, because he gets to go out and pick his own. Grandpa is starting a tradition with the grandkids where he'll take them out to eat and then shopping to pick their present. I think that will go over very well with my kids! Mom and Dad gave him some Tech Deck stuff, which caused immediate chaos and fighting. It's very difficult to have six boys and have them all be interested in the same thing. Heaven forbid it bring them closer!

He's not thrilled to be posing with Mom and Dad.

Weirdo Grandpa!

Yesterday was our ward Christmas party. It was so fun. I think it was the funnest one we've ever had, and I'm not just saying that because Jeremy and I helped put it together! We had breakfast and some songs, and then our special visitor showed up!


Cami Seager said...

Happy Birthday Zack!!!! We love and miss you and your brothers! You are getting way too old!!

Cami, Dallin and Trent

The Steffensen's said...

Life would not be the same without Zackaryias Edward Freddie Cardon the second. He was the perfect child to have so close to Christmas because he is able to MAKE himself be the focus!!!

When I took that picture of Dad, he was taking a picture of Kendall, that's why he looks so goofy. He was trying to get her to smile.